
More on Education

Education: Both Perspectives

So far I have had quite a few positive comments on my, admittedly, rather haphazard presentation of the large, tentacular theme of education. First of all I would like to thank those of you who have shown interest in this important topic and I hope we can take this interest further.

Studying or teaching? Same challenge. A view from a seminar not yet started.
Having a professional international academic background and, currently, teaching on a voluntary part-time basis to enable me to write my next novel (!) as well as researching on teaching methods at the modern, globalised university, I would be extremely interested in exchanging ideas on this topic; and not only from LSE alumni like myself. Therefore, as mentioned elsewhere on this blog. I have decided to write regularly on this topic, here on these pages, and not open an additional blog on Blogger; well, at least not yet.

A new idea kindly suggested to me from a couple of readers and students was to cover both angles: studying and teaching. Until now I have mostly covered the students' perspective and not that of the teacher or lecturer nor, most importantly, the students who teach. Getting both views covered would surely be a great advantage for everybody, I agree, since teaching is a process of mutual exchange of views and impressions, not only knowledge. I thank you for this perspective and will definitely include both perspectives in  my coming blogs and articles. Then we will see if there will be a need for an independent blog or website reserved for this all-important topic.

All the best

Steen Alexander

Student working from home, connected to her college.