
Remembrance Day: The Trilogy

From www.sanhorizons.com The Trilogy page  

Remembrance Day: The Trilogy

This is the page dedicated to The Trilogy, comprising all three previously published novels on Amazon. This trilogy brings together the whole Remembrance Day series and thus wraps up the entire story of war veteran Georges Laeken-Duvalier's dramatic and intense World War Two and post-war experiences.
The Trilogy that unites all three Remembrance Day novels.
The Trilogy that unites all three Remembrance Day novels.
The three novels, described on the parent page to this, are Caught in a WhirlwindBehind Enemy Lines and Pax Julia. Together they not only tell Duvalier's intense personal war time experience but also a tragic chapter in Europe's dramatic history. By bringing the three novels together into one single book, I finally achieve what I originally intended with these novels: tell a coherent story of a human being caught in the middle of a storm no one was able to foresee or warn him about. What then follows is of course highly specific to the key character, Duvalier, and the close circle of friends and comrades of arms around him. What also unfolds, however, is the slow breakdown of the old European world and the creation of another, at least in the West, more dynamic world: one divided and more uncertain due to the increasingly threatening Cold War in which Duvalier and some of his friends try to manoeuvre in order to reconstruct what they had originally fought for: to gain a lasting peace and create a more just world.
I hope readers will enjoy and appreciate The Trilogy when they find all three stories, each dealing with three different periods of the war and its aftermath, finally united in one single volume. You can read about each novel on the Remembrance Day page. Meanwhile, I wish you all good luck with your reading.
Steen Alexander


Pause for thought

Time to relax

In the middle of our hectic publishing activities and other such worthy pursuits, let's not forget to take time to relax and enjoy those quiet moments of the day, or night, where we find new and much needed inspiration for our next book or film etc. 

Have a nice evening all,

Steen Alexander

A moment's relaxation can be important!

New Release!

Remembrance Day: The Trilogy

I have now published Remembrance Day: The Trilogy on Amazon.com. If you want to check it out, go to: Remembrance Day: The Trilogy.
Remembrance Day: The Trilogy comprises all three novels in the series: Caught in a WhirlwindBehind Enemy Lines and Pax Julia which have each been published separately. Remembrance Day is Georges Laeken-Duvalier’s intense and dramatic story, beginning in May 1940 just before the German invasion of Belgium and France and continues through the Second World War until the 1950s. All three novels are now united in one single book. I hope you will enjoy it.
Steen Alexander


The Trilogy

Remembrance Day: The Trilogy

This year marks the 70th Anniversary of both VE and VJ Day.
This year marks the 70th Anniversary of both VE and VJ Day.
This year 2015 I have managed to publish three novels in a series called Remembrance Day and their release coincided with the 70th anniversary of both Victory in Europe (VE) and, more recently this August, Victory over Japan (VJ). The three novels mentioned are set in Western Europe exclusively but deal with the important subject of remembrance and historical awareness, particularly in the light of the cruelties Man was capable of during the Second World War.
The three novels of the series are: Caught in a WhirlwindBehind Enemy Lines; and Pax Julia. I have already written about them elsewhere, also on this website on the page dedicated to Remembrance Day. The plan is to publish them as a single book, united in a trilogy with the title Remembrance Day: The Trilogy. The first release will be as an ebook, published through Kindle on Amazon. I hope the trilogy will be of use and interest to readers of historical and military fiction as they get all three novels gathered in one single book. Its release is imminent, so keep a watch out!
All the best
Steen Alexander
VE Day


Conflict Studies at LSE

Thank you for this concise introduction to Conflict Studies and International Politics at the Government Department, LSE. This field of studies is more relevant than ever and I am sure that at the LSE it is dealt with at the highest academic level.

Steen Alexander (LSE Alumnus, 2000)

Government & Politics

A Great Introduction to Studies in Government and International Politics

Thank you Bianca and Dept. of Government for a clear and precise account of the variety of political studies at LSE. In view of the many crises in the world we live, it should be clear that we need more competent intermediaries in international politics than ever before since World War Two.

Greetings from an LSE Alumnus (2000).