
Kindle Countdown Deal

A River Flows

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Inspiration page

Inspiration Page 

From www.sanhorizons.com

New Page

I am working on a new page on the various forms of literary and artistic inspiration. The new page called Inspiration has just been created and will soon become the parent page of other more special pages presenting articles on literary genres that I work within.
Into the nitty-gritty stuff
Into the nitty-gritty stuff
The general idea is to create a writers’ forum for those of you who might be interested. The pages will be found  under Inspiration and linked to my other links, including my blogs and hopefully some dynamics will come out of that. Until then, all the best
Steen Alexander


Happy Bloomsday

Bloomsday Greeting

From www.sanhorzons.com

This is more than a Happy Bloomsday greeting. I intend to use this occasion to write about the dilemmas I have been living with recently: How to reconcile my writing as an author of fiction with my academic work, being an historian and a political scientist as well as an author. Difficult, not to say the least.
Looking at the options
Looking at the options
As a result of all this, I have decided to use the current block on Sanhorizons for both my literary work and the more academic contributions, which means that new pages will be added, dedicated especially to my own research and to on-going discussions.
I have the possibility to create two separate blogs on Google Blogger. My current one, Sancriptforum, will be fully reserved for my literature and the literary inspiration I find in life, including news of upcoming releases of books and reviews.

Bloomsday in Full Bloom
The second blog,  reserved for more academic themes, will be created soon. I hope this wont be too confusing with three blogs running in parallel, but it is the only solution I can find to my dilemmas. What could be more joyous on a Bloomsday than to solve one’s nagging dilemmas. I hope you will enjoy this day in good company and may you find rich inspiration in literature.
Steen Alexander


New Changes


I've added more pages to my new blog as you can see. Some of these pages are taken from my main blog on www.sanhorizons.com which you can access just by clicking the photo on the right side. It should take you directly to sanhorizons and to my other links on that website.

I will continually add new/old links to this blog as I keep developing it and will continue to add pages about my own books and articles, as soon as they are published.

This new blog is still very new, but I hope to have it up and fully running during this month, and you are of course extremely welcome to add comments on my blog here.

Take care




This is my first post on Blogger. I will get back to you with more posts in a few days.

I hope this forum - The Steen Alexander Forum - will serve as a useful supplement to my websites on the Internet. My idea is to use this forum as a welcome focal point for the development of ideas within literature, politics and philosophy.

See you later,
Steen Alexander