
Historical Literature: new page

On my blog sanhorizons I have just created a new page entirely dedicated to historical literature. 

Just follow the link: The Historical Genre.

The new page on the historical genre figures under the parent page: Inspiration. This new page is about one of the genres I work within as an author, the other being the thriller. Both pages under Inspiration supplement each other as they examine and discuss the sources of inspiration for my own literature.
Finding the balance between History and historical fiction
Finding the balance between History and historical fiction
On the new page, I analyse and discuss the challenges we authors meet when we set out to write historical fiction. I delve into the more tricky challenge of striking a proper balance between History and the literary genre of historical fiction; in other words, how to reconcile History with the literary genre.
Finally, I discuss the reasons for the immense popularity of the historical literary genre and draw on my own and other authors' experience as examples of how authors manage to use History, the academic discipline, as a source of inspiration and still produce fiction that is not drowned by historical details and facts but steers clear, as it were, of the many temptations to bend History to suit the plot.
I hope you will enjoy the new article.
Steen Alexander