
Goodreads Author

New Link to my Goodreads Author profile

I have added a new link - Goodreads Author - below the Direct Links on the right side of this page. The new link will give you direct access to my new profile on Goodreads where I will continue to blog on books and reviews novels and short stories published by fellow authors.

On the Steen Alexander Goodreads Author page you will find a list of my novels published so far, and soon my blog will be active and directly linked to my main blog on Sanhorizons. More on this will follow soon.

All the best,

Steen Alexander


Remembrance Day as both printed and kindle book

Remembrance Day now published in two formats

My World War Two novel Remembrance Day has now been published as both a printed book and an ebook; both versions have a new interior design and a brand new cover. You can find the linked page for both formats on this link: Remembrance Day.
The new cover for both formats
Soon the novel will be available on a wider range of e-stores and in both formats. It was important for me as an author to give readers a real choice between a printed book and a kindle version. Therefore, I am now preparing to publish another of my novels as a printed book. More about this will follow soon.
Below you can find the full text from the back page cover of the printed version with the short presentation of this dramatic story. I hope readers will enjoy this format as well as the ebook and I am looking forward to turning one of my other novels into print in the coming weeks.

From the back cover:
The new back page cover.
The new back page cover.
Although time can heal all wounds, intense and powerful memories remain for a lifetime, vivid and crystal clear. War veterans reluctantly tell us their stories, which remind us of a time, not so long ago, when ravaging war and desperate battle, followed by Nazi occupation and persecution led some brave people of different nationalities to resist. This is the story of such a war veteran, the British officer Georges Laeken-Duvalier, who, moved by a solemn Remembrance Day ceremony in London and a meeting with an old friend, relives the crucial moments of his dramatic life. His story begins in May 1940, spans the entire war, and only ends when he resigns from British service in 1956. It is also the story of the many people he met during and after the war, friends, traitors and victims alike. His story thus becomes their story too, brought together on a Remembrance Day.
Steen Alexander