International Education
Thank you for the positive feedback I have received on my uploads on international education possibilities, compliments particularly to the London School of Economics and Political Science which seems to have by far the greatest variety and spread of uploads for coming students on this specific topic.
A seminar - open discussion. |
In this time and age with plenty of colleges and larger universities around the entire globe offering courses on this or that, choosing has indeed become extremely difficult. Students, and for that matter younger academic personnel, often find themselves at odds as to which institution to study at or do research. The debate is now running on the Internet and even well-meaning politicians from various countries frequently join in with more or less helpful advice. As stated before and elsewhere, and repeatedly, I personally find this ongoing debate both confusing and ill-informed. Therefore, I suggest we should let the best colleges and universities present themselves through students who, in the last event, are the only real experts on this complex issue of how to measure quality in international academia. And though there might be some who would argue that students only act as marketing agents, promoting their college for free (!), the vivacious and nuanced debates on the social media show us all a different picture.
The status of colleges and universities, now more than ever before, hangs on the renommé among existing students and their recommendations, either on Internet uploads or, more often, private feedback on social media like Google or Facebook. In coming articles I will explore this subject further and share with you my latest findings. Ideally, I will do so on this forum, but I am seriously contemplating starting an entirely new blog on Blogger to deal explicitly with this exciting subject.
Studying intensely at college. |
Steen Alexander